Neovim Plugin
Make sure you have at least Neovim 0.7.0 installed. With that in place, you have several options of how to install the Neovim plugin:
If you're using the Lazy plugin manager, you can use a configuration block like this:
config = function(plugin)
-- Load the plugin from a subfolder:
vim.opt.rtp:append(plugin.dir .. "/vim-plugin")
require("lazy.core.loader").packadd(plugin.dir .. "/vim-plugin")
keys = { { "<leader>j", "<cmd>EthersyncJumpToCursor<cr>" } },
lazy = false,
For testing purposes, you can run an Ethersync-enabled Neovim like this:
nix run github:ethersync/ethersync#neovim
Manual installation
If you're not using a plugin manager, here's a "quick and dirty" way to install the plugin:
Clone the Ethersync repository:
git clone
Link to the plugin directory from nvim:
mkdir -p $HOME/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/plugins/start
cd ethersync # make sure you're in the root of the project
ln -s $PWD/vim-plugin $HOME/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/plugins/start/ethersync
Confirm the installation
To confirm that the plugin is installed, try running the :EthersyncInfo
command in Neovim. It should show the message "Not connected to Ethersync daemon."